![]() 09/07/2013 at 11:35 • Filed to: Questions | ![]() | ![]() |
I've been a car owner/operator for quite some time now and I have a guilty pleasure I must divulge with you: I like driving with the windows down. But for some reason, automotive manufacturers don't seem to get that concept and have thwarted me long enough. Auto up and down windows are awesome, and one of my cars even has auto up and down on all four windows! But this is not enough automakers, no this is not enough. I've been told that I'm quite proficient with my fingers, but even my sleight of hand can't get around the fact that pushing all four of those buttons and the sunroof, open and close, can get annoying when you're running errands. I don't want to close my windows just to run inside the store for a minute, but then again I also don't want someone to think "Hey! Free Bimmer!" either. So I trudge along, I open my windows when I get in, I close them when I park. I go through the motions . So what did I do to solve this problem? Well, I wired them so that my rear passenger window now opens all four of them. It has to be the least used window from a driver standpoint, and the standard door switch works just fine, so this is just for me, just for my own sanity. So I'd say that every automaker that has auto windows should be required to have an extra button on the drivers door panel to open/close all of the windows at once, ideally it should be programmable to open the sunroof too...but I won't hold my breath.
So what convenience feature do you think should be mandatory for automakers to offer? And before you rant about three pedals with me, trust me !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
![]() 09/07/2013 at 11:38 |
Auto punch in the face when not using the indicators.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 11:39 |
huh, a neat idea. Thinking personally that I would have added a 5th switch rather than wiring to one of the existing, but cool none the less.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 11:41 |
I would have! but a) there wasn't an extra spot and I didn't want to dremel and b) it's just a tiny but of soldering, if I ever decide to sell it (it's an E39M5 so...no, I'm never selling it) I can just yank it out and it'll be good as new
![]() 09/07/2013 at 11:42 |
Both of the windows on the GTI are auto up and down, and it has a dial to set where you want the sunroof at. Fuckyeah.
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Something that emits a harsh scream through the sound system when the driver touches his or her phone.
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I've gotta rig up something like that for my Celica. The quarter windows and front windows are all individually switched and they're in a really uncomfortable position that makes it nearly impossible to hit all four buttons at once (driver door, under and back from the door mirror). Not to mention three switches are if one rocker style and the driver window is a totally different one with an odd bar or peg type thing in the middle that's supposed to ease the use of the most used window (really, Toyota? It's a vert. All those windows are going down all the damn time)
![]() 09/07/2013 at 11:45 |
Why two buttons? I've owned VAG products, why the dial? I want ONE button that just knows man.
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They'll hear our battlecry from the mountains, they can't hold us back forever. The rivers will run red with the blood of our enemies until they see reason dammit.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 11:55 |
My '08 Civic LX didn't come with intermittent wipers. I mean true intermittent where I can set the speed according to the rain. There's only 3 settings: everynowandthen, on, and monsoon. I would have had to spring for the EX trim if i wanted them. My '93 Wrangler had them. My '99 Saturn SC2 had them. What gives?
![]() 09/07/2013 at 11:57 |
Let me tell you what annoys the shit out of me. This happens frequently in American cars, I don't know if it is common in imports as much.
The picture is of the climate control panel that is in many Fords, including my '09 Ranger. Note that the a/c is a selection on the directional knob, rather than being a separate control button. When you select A/C or MAX A/C, it only flows through the dash vents. Why is this a problem? Because I happen to like to direct cool air at my legs and feet from time to time. (Why? Because I like it.) What I really prefer is the vent/floor combo, spreading the A/C evenly. Guess what? I can't do that in my truck. The only way to direct ANY cool air to my legs and feet is to put it on defrost/floor, because the a/c automatically engages in defrost mode. But then there's no cool air coming from my vents. STOP DOING THIS, FORD.
Every climate control system should come with a separate a/c button so that I can choose where the cool air goes, not have it dictated to me by the man.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 11:58 |
it's a conspiracy. I bet your civic didn't have a button to lower all the windows at the same time either, did it?
This is just the automakers ploy...get us to accept "good enough" and suddenly we're just hopping around in circles yelling at each other instead of actually getting products we want.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 12:01 |
Nope just the one :(
The one button for allfeature would be nice
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it's a conspiracy I tell you. Rise up against this tyranny with me, we'll topple our oppressors.
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take to arms, we'll storm headquarters and get our demands met.
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![]() 09/07/2013 at 12:21 |
What if you had that all windows open button on your key fob as well, so that when you auto start your car on a hot day, the open windows will dump all that super heated air before you get in the car?
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but will the manufacturers ever do such a thing? no. The closest we got was VW and they're horribly gimmicky keyhole door windows.
Bastards, all the more reason we must revolt
![]() 09/07/2013 at 12:30 |
Well they're side by side, so it's just two fingers instead of one. Plus, the sun roof is just set it... and forget it!
![]() 09/07/2013 at 12:36 |
I used to have the same problem in my mk2 Golf; the intermittent wipers weren't adjustable. After changing the wiper relay to one of a more upscale model they suddenly became adjustable. Very easy and cheap upgrade.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 12:48 |
Not sure if you're mocking the stereotypical BMW driver or if you are genuinely sincere about first world problems. I am perfectly fine with crank windows. I prefer dials over buttons. And no I'm not an 80 year old stubborn coot.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 12:54 |
Already checked into doing this. Cheap, but not so easy...
![]() 09/07/2013 at 12:57 |
With this they may not have actually thought of it yet. I can't see Larry the lawyer shooting this one down. Since you already have the unlock button, it's no big stretch to roll the windows down. Even Barry the bean counter would be ok with it since everything but the fob button is all in place. Even Mark the marketer would be slightly moist at the thought of having this tool to help sell his wares.
This one is SO frustrating, because everything is there, yet just...beyond...reach...
![]() 09/07/2013 at 12:58 |
I know, if I had a coupe or 3 door hatch this wouldn't be an issue.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 13:02 |
This handy feature reduces distracted driving.
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I have a E39M5 so I guess I'm a stereotypical Bimmer driver, and hey nothing wrong with crank windows, I have a E90 Corolla with crank windows and it's fine.
but if I'm gonna have the auto windows, I want a button that sends them all down at once. And yes I know this is a first world problem, but I mean hell I guess there's nothing really I can say to mitigate that lol.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 13:03 |
That is much harder than it was for me. All I had to do was replace relay 19 (the middle one) with relay 99 from a 90s Passat and I was done. A one minute job.
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Well Vee the Vindictive Car Buyer is all set and ready to buy it.
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I have a camelbak for when I drive cross country LA to NY
I'm ok with this
![]() 09/07/2013 at 14:35 |
Well, if you have auto up/down on all windows, you can just push them all in quick succession and wait for them all. That's what I do in cars like that. What I really hate is when they are just auto down, usually up is when you really want it. It costs them almost nothing to implement, its just a two stage switch.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 14:36 |
Most import cars have a separate AC button, but I've noticed that older American cars seem to have exclusively this setup. One word. Cheap.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 14:56 |
My GTI has auto up/dpwn on all 4 windows, and I can use the keyfob to raise and lower them(this really works out in the California heat). Come to think of it, I think every new Volkswagen comes with auto/up down on all windows, they all share the same switch components, and my loaner Passat had them.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 15:21 |
i have auto up and down, but i've never seen keyfob window access...I remember back in the day when VWs had the windows that went down by turning the key but that was about it
![]() 09/07/2013 at 15:24 |
oh I agree, but in the year 2013, we should be seeing cars with an "easy-access" or whatever you want to call it switch that raises and lowers all of them.
also, I have OCPD when it comes to weird things like that, if I open my windows a certain amount, I need my windows to all be the same height. Otherwise it really bothers me too. The single switch harness I wired makes them the same height all the time.
but don't worry, I'm organizing a Million Motor March on the Capital as we speak. I do hope you'll attend.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 15:31 |
It requires a VAGcom cable to enable the setting. It works great and it allows the leather seats to cool down before I get to the car.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 15:49 |
i have said VAGcom cable (I used to own an 03' S6 before a drunk driver t-boned me) so I'll be sure to offer that service to all my VAG-friends
the most I've done really is get the stock air suspensions to go lower, and I got it to reprogram the ecu when I still had the S6 and started RS6 upgrading it :)
![]() 09/07/2013 at 15:51 |
But wait! Mazda to the rescue! Press unlock once on the keyfob, then again and HOLD it.... the front windows and sunroof (if equipped) will open for as long as you hold the unlock button.
Works on all the cars with 2 or more AUTO windows.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 16:12 |
Mazda "gets" it.
now make that all 4 windows Mazda and we're talking.
but then I'd be driving a mazda....
guess we can't have everything in life
![]() 09/07/2013 at 16:20 |
Haha I will try my best to attend. I also have Window-OCD, and am also a BMW driver...coincidence? I think its just one of those things. That would be an interesting switch to have, and honest to god I cannot believe, especially BMW, hasn't tried to do that yet. Actually....just having a switch that would allow you to control all windows with the drivers switch. You flip it back and forth. I feel like that might be something that should be done.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 16:52 |
see! can't say i'm not on to something...
![]() 09/07/2013 at 16:57 |
It is insane how many things VAGcom allows you to change, it is a great tool.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 20:19 |
Cruise control. No real reason to leave it out because in newer models, in order to retrofit it all you need is a different brake switch and the buttons (or lever). The ECU takes care of the rest.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 20:54 |
Mini's have a feature that when you hold the unlock button down on the fob it opens all the windows and vents the sunroof. Also in the convertible there is an all windows auto down toggle switch.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 21:07 |
One of my favorite things on my Z is that it has these little pipes just next to your feet that are fed fresh air from in front of the car. You open and close them with a little plunger-type lever by your knee.
They're immensely awesome, when you drive with the windows down, air pushes up from your feet across your body, and then out the window so you don't get that turbulence in your face. I've never seen a newish car, or any car for that matter, with anything similar, and that's a stupid shame.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 21:20 |
My Mazdaspeed 6 opens all 4 windows if you press double press unlock and hold till the windows go down. As you lock the car, hold the button on the door after it has locked and all windows close. Greatest feature that I had forgotten about until recently.
![]() 09/07/2013 at 21:26 |
yes. down with this tyranny. all cars should have cruise control too!
![]() 09/07/2013 at 21:26 |
sounds marvelous
![]() 09/07/2013 at 22:37 |
For your consideration; the Renault Avantime actually has an "open-air" button that you can use to open all the windows and sunroof simultaneously.
(Skip to 4:11 if the video doesn't do it automatically)
![]() 09/07/2013 at 23:18 |
My old 95 nissan maxima did this. Press unlock once to unlock driver door, twice all doors, hold and windows went down. Real nice unless your key fob was sensitive and had some ungodly range. Had about 10 incidents in 4 years of unintended windows down. Couple times in the rain, couple times car filled up with snow and once someone just leaned in and stole everything they could. That said I still miss that feature.
![]() 09/08/2013 at 00:16 |
On Hondas and Mazdas if you hold down the unlock button on the fob it unlocks all the doors, and opens all the windows and sunroof
![]() 09/08/2013 at 01:02 |
i could recommend this post more I would. that is EXACTLY what I want.
EXACTLY. down to a T.
I knew I liked the avantime for a reason.
![]() 09/08/2013 at 09:37 |
what? not on the older honda/acura's I presume? My 2000 TL does NOT have this function
![]() 09/08/2013 at 09:38 |
glorious post.
![]() 09/08/2013 at 12:44 |
Our 2008 Accord has it, and a friends 2001 Accord also has it.
![]() 09/08/2013 at 13:01 |
I have to try this again tonight when I go home...I'll die in ecstasy is it does
![]() 09/10/2013 at 00:08 |
I read about a tune or programming someone would do to the car/keyfob and you could hold the lock/unlock buttons for a longer period and it would raise or lower the windows all at once.
![]() 09/10/2013 at 00:22 |
Newer Hondas and nissans have had the keyless window control for years. My 08 Accord rolls down all 4 windows and the sunroof at once when you hit unlock 2 times then hold it a 3rd.
![]() 09/10/2013 at 00:38 |
But on a serious note, new cars should have opposing windshield wipers. new Civics have them, some Dodge/Chryslers have them, and some of the new 2012-on Fords have them. The reason, is that it would be somewhat cheaper for the automakers so they wouldn't need to make a new wiper motor for the other direction for cars that drive on one side of the road in some countries and another set for the other side of the road countries.
Oh, and while we're at it, get DRL to turn on tail-lights too. Because an idiot without their taillights on (or no lights on at all, for the really dumb) is an accident waiting to happen. Who knows, maybe that's what REALLY caused the big 100-car pileup in Kent, England last week, in heavy fog. Some idiot driver, no lights, car behind him can't see him till it's too late, *CRASH*, next car *CRASH* shoving previous cars into other lanes, and on and on it goes. If more people can take ONE FREAKING SECOND to turn their god-darned lights to ON instead of AUTO, is one potential pile-up averted. well, maybe.
![]() 09/10/2013 at 04:01 |
I have a camelbak for long drive too, but how do you pee? you ended up having to stop to take a leak anyway, unless you would use the Astronaut technique
![]() 09/10/2013 at 09:36 |
It'd be fine if all the switches were auto up and down, that way you just had to press each switch once. Both of my windows are auto up/down and you get SO used to it. Having to hold the window button to roll it up makes me feel like a peasant.
![]() 09/10/2013 at 10:45 |
'13 Sienna (I know, save it!), key off, everything is off. '00 Sierra (adorable naming conventions at my house), key off, things still work until you open the door. The Toyota is very annoying about this. But at least it as all auto windows, unlike the GMC that only does one auto down.
![]() 09/10/2013 at 11:10 |
Agreed. I also wish all would have auto up standard. I miss it from my bmw days.
![]() 09/10/2013 at 11:11 |
what did always annoy me was in my e46 m3, the front regular windows would auto up and down, the rear push out windows would auto open, but not auto close, you you have to sit there for what feels like 5 mins closing them, as they are the slowest window known to man.
![]() 09/10/2013 at 12:12 |
It's a conspiracy dude. I'm telling you. BMW hates us.
![]() 09/10/2013 at 12:15 |
My '00TL is lets you still roll windows up and down until you open the door, which is nice....except I always open the door as soon as I park and THEN undo my seatbelt and what not haha.
My '03 M5 -> everything just shuts off
I feel your pain.
![]() 09/10/2013 at 12:17 |
3 cars in my garage, 70s morgan has rollers (fine, whatever), 00 TL has ONE (1!) auto DOWN only switch and the 03 M5 has 4 auto up/downs which I've wired to the passenger rear switch
I hate it so much. so so so much.
![]() 09/10/2013 at 12:19 |
well yeah if I have to pee I stop. I'm not a bottle pisser, but I'm like a camel in how long I can hold my pee, and I'm the annoying guy that is constantly thirsty...hence the camelbak.
But now I can drive from LA to Vegas sucking down a liter of fluid and be just fine
![]() 09/10/2013 at 12:23 |
Another great hack I've done....All my cars headlights are always in the on switch, but they're wired to the parking light (so the angel eyes on the bimmer, the fogs on the acura and the hazards on the old morgan) so when the ignition is on, the lights are on and when the ignition is off the lights turn off. BUT when you unlock the door, the parking lights turn on and thus the headlights turn on (and taillights for that matter)
a) I hate driving even during the day without my headlights on and b) it makes finding the car at night in a parking lot a snap.
![]() 09/10/2013 at 12:24 |
I hate you. Ze Deutsche have not thought of this yet.
And more importantly my newest car is from 2003 so I can only mod them myself (which I have)
![]() 09/10/2013 at 12:27 |
My 2006 Honda Accord has this feature on the key fob as well. Click the unlock button twice and hold. All windows go down until you take your finger off the button. I use it as stated above to evacuate all the hot air out of the car or to ride with the windows down. I can even crack all four just a bit to avoid the buildup of hot air. The dealer showed this to me when I picked up this company car and I have yet to see where it mentions this fact in the owners manual although I could have overlooked it. Brilliant feature no car should be without, but I would like it on the switch as well.
Can you tell us how you rewired yours? I have empty button spaces on the console I may try to do this with ;)
Other than being a slushbox the 2006 Honda Accord V6 Hybrid has been great 304,000 miles with no problem. Company pays for everything.
![]() 09/10/2013 at 12:56 |
Even Ford is inconsistent. My 1984 Ranger and 1989 Rangers had the button, but my 2002 F250 does not. Why? Why can't I choose where I get my cold air?
![]() 09/10/2013 at 12:58 |
My 2005 M3 had this ... press and hold the unlock key, and all windows and sunroof open.
![]() 09/10/2013 at 20:10 |
The 2003 accord did it too. Just saying. Don't hate the Honda. Look at it this way I spent more than $3000 trying to make my Honda look more Germanic than amerinese. Thanks to the fine folks at bbs and Tein it's close.
![]() 09/10/2013 at 20:38 |
i hate to spam my car whenever i talk about it but...
seems fitting.
![]() 09/11/2013 at 09:39 |
Spam away
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![]() 09/11/2013 at 10:32 |
I approve wheel buddy